This is a man's Stetson hat. Now you may ask, "Why did you buy that?" My answer is because it was only $0.39! It's in really nice condition and it's a true Stetson with the little bow inside and everything. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but it was such a great buy I couldn't pass it up.
I was with my favorite thrifting buddy Deanna (of Timeless Things) when I found this Homer Laughlen (sp) plate for only $0.39 and of course I can't pass up anything cheap, I mean, thrifty especially if it has a pretty pink rose!
This lovely rose covered soap dish is an I.W. Rice that I found at a thrift store. I don't remember how much it was but I know it was under a couple of dollars. The picture didn't turn out to well, but it's adorable in real life.
Here's another Deanna find. Of course I was with her when I found these adorable little puppies for only $0.99. Deanna is such good luck!! I always find the best bargains when I'm with her.
The two (larger) rose decanters I found at an antique store marked down to $9.95 which I thought wasn't too badly priced considering that they have roses on them! I'm not sure what they were for. Perfume maybe or just pretty decorations? The little salt shaker I found at a flea market for only $1.00. Love it when that happens!
The two (larger) rose decanters I found at an antique store marked down to $9.95 which I thought wasn't too badly priced considering that they have roses on them! I'm not sure what they were for. Perfume maybe or just pretty decorations? The little salt shaker I found at a flea market for only $1.00. Love it when that happens!
Hope you all have a beautiful and blessed day!
Patricia :o)