"Bag of Repairs"

I always seem to take the path of least resistance. But I buy linens even if they have issues. What happens, though, is that they end up in this bag to worry about later. I've been adding to this bag for years and have forgotten what's in it.

There's more here than it appears. I think I pulled out at least 10 pairs of pillowcases! This is about all that is left for me to sell on eBay. Although I've been selling linens for many years now, I'm debating whether I should continue or not. That's what prompted me to get out this bag.

It's very exciting to see new linens even if they need work. I'm not sure I can help this pink lady on this runner. She has a few flaws in the crochet. I don't know how to crochet, so I think she will be sold as is.

I was going to finish the embroidery on this adorable pillow panel by
Riiiiight... That's about as likely as me going to the moon.

This little lady was a pillowcase full of little holes. I cut her out and made a little pillow out of her. There were three tiny holes in her dress, so I added 3 little ribbon roses. Then I used the crocheted trim off the pillowcase to finish off the sides.

This doesn't look like much, but this beautiful pillowcase just needs a couple of loosed threads tacked back down, a little soak in
OxyClean, and it will be gorgeous!

This one was an easy fix. All I had to do was re-sew the top edge. It's already listed for sale on eBay. I love that it says "master" which is what we kept calling my hubby when he got his Master's degree. He didn't like it much...at first. ha ha ha

I don't think I can repair this one, either. It has a big, dark paint
splater near the top. But I do love the birds!

These were all super easy fixes...just sewed the tops closed! They're already listed, too

Since I can't crochet, I can't finish this adorable pillowcase
with he amazingly sweet birds. The top is still open, easy to fix, but I can't finish the bottom edge. I thought about adding lace, but I don't think it would look right.

More pillowcases that need crocheted work.

Isn't she pretty?!!

These were an easy fix, too. Never been used. I think they're so funny! One says, "Come on Ma" and the other says "Shucks No Pa!" ha ha ha ha
So pretty!!! Love them all, especially the one with bluebirds!!!
Love your old linens. They remind me so much of my Grandmother. Glad you were able to finish a lot of them. Maybe you could sell the others as is and someone else could fix them up. It's worth a try. Love & blessings from NC!
I Love to look at vintage linens! I don't know why they make me feel good when I look at them. They are so sweet and so colorful and I guess I appreciate the work that goes into the hand sewing on them. Thanks for sharing and good luck in what you decide to do with them!~Patti
Oh Patricia!
I was coming over to answer your question about the Where Women Create party and oh my gosh...I got lost here in the bag of linens! I love that you can fix them and maybe give them a new home, they are so beautiful and worth it :)
I love to find linens that are "damaged", that way I don't feel so bad about repurposing them into future artwork :)))
Alrighty then, to answer your question about the Party...yes. Karen (My Desert Cottage) does have a list of all the participants on her right hand side bar. She'll soon put them up as a permanent link to visit throughout the year. Have fun!
You can copy and paste her site below...
Thank you so much for visiting me Patricia...I'm going get lost in your posts some more :))))
You already know that I can't leave damaged or unfinished linens behind, Patricia! Now that I've started messing around with crazy patchwork, and patchwork/applique in general, I've got all my damaged linens ready to use by cutting off badly stained or torn bits, and incorporating the good stuff in something else. Love what you've done with yours!
Say, if you stop selling on eBay, does that mean you won't be buying up linens at estate sales any more? Or maybe you will, but you'll just keep it all? (And buy a bigger house, lol)
I just stumbled on your blog, and I must say that I'm so glad I found it! I've loved embroidery since I was a child. I remember my grandmother and my great-aunt teaching me how to hold a needle when I was only four or so, and here I am today, many sets of pillowcases, napkins, one Christmas tree skirt, and a few dresser scarves later. I just crocheted my first edging for a set of pillowcases that I inherited.
I would love to take on the challenge of those lovely little birds with the musical notes made of flowers. If you do decide to sell, would you mind contacting me regarding them? My e-mail is vrmarvin at sbcglobal dot net. Thank you!
Patricia thank you for sharing all the wonderful embroidered pillowcases you have collected. I am amazed at the detail in these works of art! Love them. You must have vintage linen karma as you are able to come across such beautiful treasures.
Warm hugs,
I just found your blog and have spent a L-O-N-G time on the computer searching through old posts. What a happy treat to see your beautiful finds! I'm San Antonio born and raised (John Marshall and UTSA grad) currently living in Arizona. Texas is in my blood though, and I'm back in SA visiting and looking at real estate ... I hope to see a lot more from you (and find you on ebay :-)
Your bag of linens did hold treasures.
I have several bags of 'things' I need to look at!
They are lovely,
White Spray Paint
Thanks so much for sharing the vintage linens. I love the bluebird pillowcases. I do know how to crochet, a nice crocheted edge would finish them nicely. You have found some beautiful handwork. I like to take the good parts of work like that and make something else like you did with the little pillow. Your post was inspiring to me. I enjoyed my visit.
I love them all! I, too, have such a hard time passing up those "less than perfect" linens...they just beg to come home with me.
What beautiful linens.
I too have some linens around. It's fun to get them out and go through them every once in awhile. I cannot always decide what to do with them either. So they go back where they came form. =)
thanks for coming by
barbara jean
Oh! How much I loved looking at those linens. Someone put a lot of love and time into making them. I like your idea of making a pillow. I have a pillow case that has holes in it but the stitching is fine. I think I will cut it out and make a pillow. Thanks for sharing!
Marie in NC
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