Luckily I had the presence of mind to take a picture of the adorable wrapping. It's so simple yet so incredibly elegant and chic. LOVE the pink and brown color combination!
I love birds, so this tag is extra special to me. It's so sweet. I have it tucked not-to-far-away in a little drawer so that it will always make me smile when I open it.
Inside the package were two beautiful, and I do mean BEAUTIFUL note books. Now, these aren't your average notebooks. Just take a look at all the work and detail that went into making them. Lisa is one gifted and talented lady. I ooooh'ed and awwwwww'ed at the turn of every page.
There are so many details, that I'm sure I'll be finding new goodies every time I open them. Look at the gorgeous papers she used. If only you could see every page!
Lisa didn't miss the opportunity to add the shiniest details. I love this pink crystal she added to the outside of the notebook. And look at all the ribbons and lace that she added to the spine!
Here is the second notebook. It's made of clear plastic and just covered in flowers, and buttons and beautiful papers and so many details. I can't even begin to imagine the time and love that went into making each page!
I've seen things similar to this in other blogs, but I've never seen one in person. I have to tell you, it is impressive!! There is so much work involved and so many adorable and beautiful materials used.
I didn't get a picture of the spine on this heart shaped book, but it too had the best details and the most beautiful blue crystals hanging from it. I LOVE it and feel so lucky to have won!!!
In addition to the two gorgeous notebooks, I also got a bunch of beautiful lace and trims,
Vintage buttons, pearl pins (love them!), old stamps, cute flash cards....
Old sheet music, book pages, journal entries and this darling "bingo" card all dressed up by Lisa. I feel like I truly made out like a bandit.
But there's more....
Thank you, Lisa!!! I love all my goodies and I'm simply thrilled to have been the lucky winner!!
Patricia :o)
Ps: Be sure to visit Lisa at her blog, Beyond the Cover. She's a very sweet lady with a fun and beautiful blog. Just click on her blog name.
What beautiful goodies, indeed! Love 'em.
Thanks for the visit tonite and your comments about the storms and tornados and all their destruction.
Congratulations on the giveaway! Very unique items!~Patti
All those little goodies would make smiles on anyones face... Enjoy...
So glad you loved your package!! Summer vacation starts tomorrow and hoping I will have more time to work on more creations such as these...they take so much time but...the end result is worth waiting for! I hope you find memorable photos to fill them up. I forgot to add a note that all the vintage papers in the bag have been treated with a product to help reduce the aging process of the paper, just in case you use in a project of something.
Enjoy! I am a follower of course and look foward to us bouncing back and forth between each others blogs... :)
and oh....where are you from here in California???
Hi fellow Californian! Thanks for sharing your winnings. Your photography really shows off how beautiful it all is too. Made me smile...
Warm hugs,
My goodness, Patricia- you hit the jackpot!! *LOL*
Everything is just so delicate and pretty- Lisa is a very sweet and generous person for sure!
Whoa...what a great win! Congratulations!!! And thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!
wow lucky girl! What a talented lady! Thanks for coming by & admiring my blooms....I only have one peony plant and I wish I had about 50. They are just the most amazing flowers. They only bloom once unfortunately!
The roses are David Austin ~ I believe it's the Heritage rose. This is the first year it has taken off & I am just thrilled w/ them. The fragrance is just 2die4.
Enjoy your notebooks!
How lucky you are to receive such wonderful goodies! I really enjoyed your photos.
Hola guapisima, muchas felicitaciones!
Cuanto me alegro de que te llegaran esos regalos tan bonitos. A mi me encantan!
Patricia, espero que tengas un buen fin de semana
Te mando muchos besotes.
Oh how gorgeous! i'm so happy for you and for me!
does that sound weird? well let me explain!
you won the book, therefore happy you! but you knew that part already! hehe
you shared the book on your blog = therefore happy me!
i am suddenly inspired to create my own journal...something has been brewing for quite some time...and this post just took me a step closer to my creative mission!
thanks a bunch!
come see what I'm up to...when you get the chance!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
Patricia! You did rack up here...Lisa totally spoiled you! Such beautiful gifts, I'm sure you were overwhelmed with excitement :)
Dang, I missed out on those linens...they were beautiful!!!!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend :)
Who's got a 4-second mind? Well, me too girl!
I knew this was a gorgeous blog and low and behold...look! I was here 3 days ago! Well, actually a little over 48 hours ago! hahahaha
Love your blog Patricia...this is too funny :)
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