Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pretty Tea Cozies

These are some tea cozies I've made out of old linens. They're my favorite to make, mostly because I love to have tea parties. I think they're pretty enough to display even when not in use. This is a great way to display old linens that maybe show too much "history." This one is made out of an old pillowcase.

I LOVE linens, and always look for items that are in the best condition possible. But sometimes I get so excited about how pretty it is, that I don't always catch a flaw until after it's been purchased and washed, and I'm in the process of ironing it. Some flaws I can live with, some not. But I can't stand just throwing these beautiful, hand worked items away. So I save them up and make something out of them. This pretty cozy was made from the corner a pulled-thread tea towel.

This beautiaul blue belle tea cozy was made from a pillowcase that had been torn in half. I bought it anyway because I couldn't resist the amazing embroidery and crochet work.

Here's another pillowcase turned into tea cozy. This was an old one from about the 20's. I love how it turned out!

This is the back of the blue belle tea cozy. I like to make the backs of my cozies as pretty and interesting as the front. That way it looks beautiful from all angles and everyone can enjoy them.

I hope you enjoyed these pretty tea cozies and got some great ideas on using vintage linens that are past their prime.


  1. Very cute teapot cozies. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Thanks! I'm so glad you like them.
    Patricia :o)

  3. Does this comment help with your counter, honey??

  4. The cozies are gorgeous! Wonderful combination of fabrics and textures. Little Miss Talented, aren't you?! :) Are you going to sell any of them? pam

  5. Hi Pam,
    Actually they all sold last year. I meant to keep at least one, but you know me! I had to let them go. That's ok, though. I have more to make for this year. Hopefully, before Mother's Day!
    Patricia :o)

  6. Oh Patricia, these are absolutely gorgeous! You ARE clever; I've seen many variations on recycling old linens, but none as pretty as this. I'm glad Pam asked if you sell them, because I was able to see your answer. If you are making any more, I would also like to buy one. I have nearly 100 teacosies, many really lovely one, but yours are quite different, and I MUST have at least one for my collection!

  7. Hi Gina! It's always so nice to hear from you. Thanks for your kind words. I love using old linens in a new way. but WOW! What a collection YOU must have. You need to get some up on your site so that the rest of us can oogle at them.
    Patricia :o)

  8. LOOK at YOU! YOU sure can sew! These tea cozies are the BEST!

