Monday, May 18, 2009

I've been "out"

I haven't been posting much or visiting your wonderful blogs lately because I had to have some minor surgery. It was sort-of an outpatient procedure except that they kept me for 23 hours so that it doesn't count as overnight. Like I said, it's nothing serious just one of those pesky "female" type things.

I was a little (understatement) nervous and depressed for about a week before the surgery. I couldn't get anything done and everything seemed like such a big chore. Even answering emails was difficult and I still have a slew to reply to that are almost three weeks old.

Now it's ten days after the surgery and I'm disappointed because I'm not back to normal yet. There were a couple of tiny complications, but, again, nothing major. It's funny how the doctor says minor but the body says major. Apparently I have 6 weeks of recovery. So much for such "minor" surgery!

Anyway, I didn't want you all to think I've forgotten about you. I'll be back to visiting when I have a little more energy. I have lots to share from before and I'm excited to see what all of you have been up to. See you soon!
Patricia :o)