This weekend I went to several thrift stores and Goodwill stores. I was so excited to be out on the hunt for new places to shop. But all I found was
junky and surprisingly expensive items! I'm so disappointed to have come home empty handed. Since I don't have any new finds to share with you, I thought I'd go through some linens and post pictures of some lovely vintage pillowcases!
Aren't these absolutely gorgeous!? I had planned on selling these, but the pink is just so perfectly cottage chic and the workmanship is amazing so they're staying with me. These are keepers for sure.

This pair of pink rose pillowcases are done with bright pinks and hunter greens. I love the pink hand crocheted trim that goes all around the openings. I can't even imagine how much time these must have taken to make. They're just beautiful!

My favorite color combination is pink and blue. This sweet pair of pillowcases are done with happy little tulips and tiny daisies. They're so perfect for the guest room. These are the kind of linens that definitely get noticed and always get happy comments from guests.

This is a simple but lovely design, and the workmanship is very well done, too. The stitches are so tiny! I just love vintage linens and never get tired of looking at them. Hope you enjoyed looking at these pretties!
I love linens too, I have boxes of them and like you I never get tired of them either,check my blog towards the beginning I once made dolls out of vintage doilies, ohhh so pretty.Made me smile to look at them haven't sold them yet either.Can't seem to part with them
Sorry you didn't find any new (old) treasures, but happy you shared your pretty linens with us. Oh, I just LOVE embroidered pillowcases!!
LOVE the Irish crochet pink roses cases. WOW, they are gorgeous! pam
Oh, I just love these, it is almost a shame that so many of these seem to have been barely used by the women who put so many hours into making them! I believe if you have something prettyit should be used and enjoyed. By the way, do you have any ideas on what to do with some of these beauties once the body of the pillow case disintegrates? I have some beautiful crocet trims that I just cant bear to throw away but the pillowcase is beyond repair.
Oh that top set is drool-worthy!
I do hate to go on a hunt and not get to drag anything back :(
I really love your linens. I've been scouting the thrift stores and Goodwill too. Sometimes I'm lucky, but not too much at Goodwill. The T.S.'s have been having a lot of linens lately!
No wonder you are keeping these - they are beautiful
The pillowcases are so pretty and sweet. The first pair is gorgeous. Beautiful crochet work. Ladies spent lots of time creating beautiful linens for their homes. So sorry you didn't find anything on your latest shopping trip. Junk and very expensive is the normal here in my area. I am overjoyed when I find true treasures. I love looking at my linens!
Those are beautiful. I too hate when I go out thrifting and can't find anything. But, thankfully that doesn't happen to often.
Hi Patricia! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment!
I love your linens, they are gorgeous! I have a thing for vintage linens too. They are so romantic!
I will be back to visit :)
just favorite is the pink and blue also... I like the simple designs the best...
I am enamored with the pillowcases with the crochet. Being a crocheter, I am just awed with such intricate work. It is not easy doing the little stuff, at least not for me. You have real treasure there!
Thank you for your kind thoughts in regard to the storm. All is well on our side of the state. May your thrift store soon overflow with abundance for your goodwill ;-) No pun intended--sort of ;-)
Your pillowcases and linens are beautiful! I haven't been having much luck thrifting either. Very hit or miss! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! The yo-yo's are soooo easy! I use a yo-yo maker from Joann Fabrics. Have a great day!
Sorry your search for something new did not go well - maybe try some garage sales. You never know what you will find there! Your treasures however are wonderful!
I haven't had great luck lately either. But I sure do love those pretty cases!
Wow, those are gorgeous, Patricia! I'm sorry you didn't have any luck on your little thrift trip, but looks like you already have some wonderful things there!
So nice to meet you and I have loved my visit to your lovely blog. Your pillowcase collection is gorgeous. I collect these too and have many that my grandma and mother made. I am doing some too, but slowly between the 100 other things I have going on. LOL
I love that top set. WOW they are beautiful.
Thank you for your visit to my anniversary post and your kind comment. It meant so much to me.
See you again soon. Have a great weekend.
Blessings, Celestina
la rea rose
Very pretty! My gma used to make a lot of these. I need to see if I can makes some as gifts.
I love looking at linens too! When ever I walk into an antique store or flea market, the first thing I notice are the embroidered dresser scarves on the dressers or the pillowcases. I just love the pretty pillowcases you have posted. I love crochet roses inset into pillowcases. I always wonder about the woman who spent her time making these beautiful items. Have a blessed weekend! blessings, Kathleen
Hola amiga Patrícia, como estás?
trabajo muy lindo, mui mimoso.
Bom fim de semana pra você e um abrazo
You must be finding some really great stuff overall, though, because e'thing you show us is gorgeous. Maybe today?
Beautiful! You've inspired me to go hunting for some pretties! The first set of cases you are keeping are the most beautiful set I have ever seen! Definitely keepers!!!
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